Technology is directing the evolution of human beings. Digital devices like smartphones have become an extension of the human body. People rely a lot on such tools not just for information but as a supplement to their memory and even intelligence. Could such dependency result in decreased use of the brain and thereby result in lowered brain “capacity” over generations? Of course, there are those involved in making this technology possible? Would their kind result in some “super-human” species? Or is there a natural way for this to be balanced by society? Wealth inequality is a stark reality in almost every country. Could “intelligence” be such a dividing factor in a world where “knowledge is power”?
No doubt smart devices have made our lives simpler, and in a way more organized. But it can be disastrous if we allow ourselves to become slaves to technology. Technology can also be used by some to make slaves of others. Therefore the need to become aware of how technology can manipulate human beings and how people can use technology to manipulate others.